Lead an Outing

We are delighted you are interested in leading an outing for Ens & Outs. To begin, you need to be a member of Ens & Outs and to have attended several hikes or outings as a participant to learn how the program works. Download and familiarize yourself with the Trip Leader’s Guidelines. Then fill out and submit the ‘Proposal to Lead an Outing’ below.

Other than following the ‘Trip Leader’s Guidelines,’ here are some basic expectations of a GOOD TRIP LEADER:

  • Be friendly, responsible, and decisive

  • Be familiar with your chosen destination and/or trail (such as route, access points, parking facilities, travel time, etc.)

  • Write a concise outings description as a notice to be posted/emailed to members

  • Communicate details clearly to participants in emails and at the trailhead

  • Be aware of and attend to the general safety of all participants

  • Carry a cell phone and have the cell phone numbers of participants

  • Carry a basic first aid kit

  • Uphold the Ens & Outs ‘Hiker’s Guide: Trail Etiquette & Best Practices’ and ‘Trip Leader’s Guidelines

Proposed Outing Form for Ens & Outs